At the DACH+HOLZ 2024 trade fair in Suttgart, Adolf Würth will be presenting its innovations in the field of construction elements and building materials. Mr. Christoph Oesterhaus presents a WoodConnector as the latest product at the booth, a very sustainable product made of renewable raw material made of multilayer wood.
The WoodConnector is used to connect construction elements to each other on site and is a very sustainable product in conjunction with the Assy P2 screw. Würth supplies Assy screws in dimensions from 3x12 mm up to a total length of 2 meters. Hundreds of different products are used in a new build or renovation project. Würth works with tested products to ensure that these do not emit pollutants in the increasingly dense building development, which we then absorb into our bodies. These can be products such as sheet metal fittings, Assy screws, vapor retarders, connection adhesives, foams, tile adhesives, adhesive tapes, etc. The right choice of product is a very good way of preventing this.
In timber construction in particular, the topic of serial refurbishment is currently at the top of the agenda. The aim here is to renovate all existing houses with all residential units in line with the dates prescribed by law. Würth is looking for fastening solutions for this, which are being researched in the recently opened in-house research center Curio.