Servicum: Your Partner for Photovoltaic and Roofer Collaboration

The young company servicum sees itself as a photovoltaic partner for roofers and wants to enable them to market photovoltaics themselves. The right man on the roof is the roofer, servicum takes care of the planning, grid registration and electrical installation. In this way, the roofer can offer his customers photovoltaics from a single source, servicum acts as his PV engineering office with electrical installation.

turnkey planning electrical installation grid registration photovoltaic servicum
Stefan Fritschek CEO Servicum

PV system service: Digital working method for planning and completion on site

The company is based in the middle of Germany, in Thuringia, and works digitally from there. The roofer sends his measurements of the new building or the property to be renovated by whatever means. Servicum then plans the system and sends it back. The roofer receives a finished parts list that is 100% accurate for the wholesale partner MELLE GALLHÖFER, who stocks the right goods. If the project comes to fruition, the roofer reports completion. As soon as the roof is finished, servicum moves in and completes the electrics in the customer's basement. It doesn't matter whether it's a detached house or a commercial property.

Complementing the skills of the trade with photovoltaic services

A fixed price of EUR 4,960 is estimated for the planning and electrical installation of single-family homes up to 30 kWp. This includes planning, grid registration, electrical installation and 5 years of after-sales service. All in one order. The advantage of this offer lies in the fact that the expertise of a roofer lies in his own trade and not as a specialist in electricity or in dealing with the bureaucracy of registering power plants. The skills of the tradesman and the servicum company complement each other.

All contributions about ➤DACH+HOLZ 2024

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