Sculptural embroidery - Itamar Yehiel

Born in Jerusalem in 1984, artist Itamar Yehiel now lives in Berlin and is best known for his embroidery sculptures. At ARTMUC 2024, he showed some examples of his work in his unmistakable style. In his works, he focuses primarily on nature and its transience.

sculptural embroidery natural sculpture berlin itamar yehiel
itamar yehiel artist

Stone in transition - surface captured true to nature in embroidery

One of the most impressive works is the stone through the ages. The stone, which consists purely of embroidery, is shown in various phases of its life. Layer after layer is worn away by nature until the precious and sparkling gemstone inside is revealed. The special nature of the work only becomes apparent when you approach the shrine up close. Itamar Yehiel has faithfully captured the various facets of the surface.

stone art cycle of the time of artmuc
through the time weathered stones art object artmuc
embroidered stone sculpture itamar yehiel

Red and gold maple leaf as a work of embroidery art

Other works of art include the red and gold maple leaf, which has already undergone a process of decomposition. The detailed leaf shows the traces of decay at the edges, but still glows in radiant colors. The artist wants to show that even at the end of life, beauty still prevails.

itamar yehiel organic embroidery art artmuc

Itamar Yehiel depicts nature in fascinatingly realistic embroidery

In principle, Itamar Yehiel's works at ARTMUC 2024 focus on the realm of nature, which is depicted true to nature. The artist's works always begin with a two-dimensional surface, which is then adapted to the circumstances. The artist works with a philosophical superstructure and aims to thematize the transience of mankind. However, the model for all his works is nature and the use of natural colors and materials. Itamar Yehiel draws inspiration from his surroundings and his observations.

maple leaf embroidery art frame itamar yehiel
embroidered leaf art beauty of imperfection artmuc