Art:space - KunstHaus Ammersee

Gallery owner Yo Franklin runs a gallery for contemporary art in Schondorf on the north-western shore of Lake Ammersee. This project grew out of another gallery that she previously ran in Oberhaching, south of Munich. Conceptually, she exhibits works by predominantly young artists, but collaborations with other exhibitors, for example at trade fairs, also play a role in her gallery.

Kunsthaus Ammersee Schondorf ArtMUC
yo franklin artist artspace munich

Springtime Rock'n'Roll series - abstract depiction of reed photographs on Lake Ammersee

She has been working on her "Springtime Rock'n'Roll" series for ten years. The motif behind the very abstract depictions are many photographs of the reeds on the edge of Lake Ammersee. She created the entire series using an elaborate mixing technique with resin, silicone and color pigments, which deliberately alienate the colorful lines, some of which run criss-cross, and are intended above all to inspire hope and a good mood. Further information can be found here:

Springtime Rock n Roll Schilf Ammersee
abstract painting mixing technique yo franklin
abstract reed resin silicone good mood optimistic art artmuc

Artist Nic Möckel with pictures that are meant to ask questions - even disturbing ones

The artist Nic Möckel is also exhibiting there. These are several colorful, striking paintings in a fairly large format. He is standing in front of his work "Klassenkasper" and explains that his pictures are primarily questions, questions that are intended to be disturbing, because you can react to questions, whereas statements are more likely to be regarded as closed. He has deliberately "simply thrown his Klassenkasper into the room", it is colorful and is intended to intoxicate the senses, challenging the viewer's imagination. Each of his paintings costs 1,300 euros. It is a purely arbitrary price in response to an art market that follows the motto "oil is more expensive and size is paid for". This may also be seen as the philosophy behind his paintings.

Nic Moeckel entartete Kunst ArtMUC
klassenkasper nic moeckel artist