Efficient performance marketing and brand building with Synatix at DMEXCO 2024

SYNATIX GmbH is a dynamic company based in Hamelin that develops market-leading technologies in the field of performance marketing and builds innovative brands. Its expertise spans e-commerce, fintech, proptech and other high-growth industries. Through strategic investments and venture scaling, SYNATIX supports promising brands in their growth and maximizes the synergies between their projects. With a clear focus on data-driven decisions and scalable solutions, SYNATIX works with renowned partners and establishes strong brands across Europe.

interactive trade fair highlight synatix application photos at photo spiegel dmexo 2024
synatix turning ideas into unique brands dmexo 2024

Innovative domain parking: AYO automates the process

AYO, a leading domain parking provider, is revolutionizing the industry with its fully automated solution. Instead of relying on traditional feed providers, AYO offers specialized solutions in areas such as shopping and lead generation. This automation enables more efficient management of domains and helps to distribute traffic optimally.

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own projects ayo innovatives domain parking synatix dmexo 2024

Interactive trade fair highlights: Application photos at the photo mirror

At this year's trade fair, Synatix presented an interactive photo mirror as a highlight at the stand. Visitors were able to create application photos in a humorous way, which they could take away with them. This campaign promotes awareness of the Lebenslauf.de career platform and offers trade fair visitors an unforgettable experience.

technologies area performance marketing synatix booth dmexo 2024
technical discussions synatix in depth exchange at dmexo 2024

Focus on expert discussions: DMEXCO as a platform for in-depth exchange

DMEXCO sets itself apart from other marketing trade fairs with its expert discussions. Instead of focusing on large stands and free merchandise, the emphasis is on in-depth discussions and the exchange of specialist knowledge. Synatix uses this platform to promote cooperation in the tech sector and with Kredit.de and to make valuable contacts.