Louvred roofs and pergolas - Skymatik

The Italian company Skymatik is at home under the Prosecco hills of Venice. Skymatik has been manufacturing slatted roofs for pergolas for over 10 years. Its main markets are in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia and, of course, its home country of Italy.

privacy protection windows front skymatics sliding door protected atmosphere
carlo carrer managing partner skymatics
Skymatik Logo
weitere Informationen:www.skymatik.com

Sun shading with slats on sliding shutters or vertical awnings

The side protection elements consist of all-glass sliding doors fitted with stainless steel rails and stainless steel roller carriages. In addition, there are fixed glass elements and Atmosphera sliding shutters. Together, they provide good protection and enhance the pergola. The Atmosphera sliding shutters are also available in a wood look, always in the same color as the pergola. They offer reliable protection from the sun and prying eyes. The supports can also be fitted with vertical awnings to provide all-round privacy The vertical awning is fully integrated into the support, into which it retracts completely. The lower profile also goes directly into the beam. The vertical solution is often fitted in front of all-glass sliding systems.

atmosphera slats flexible view protection skymatik
louvre screen sunlight wood optic fensterbau frontale 2024
vertical sliding windows stainless steel rail skymatik
rapid raised awning sun shading fensterbau frontale 2024
rapid awning visual protection windows front skymatik

Skymatik slats create a bioclimatic pergola for well-being

The whole system is a bioclimatic pergola with the property that the sun's rays heat the slats from above. As with the pergolas built by the Romans, the air can go upwards and the colder air from the ground is drawn upwards between the slats. This results in microcirculation under the pergola, which ensures a pleasantly fresh feel-good temperature even on very warm days. The slats practically simulate the pergolas of the past, where the air circulated through the leafy roof. The slats can be rotated to various positions up to 140 degrees and, of course, stopped. The various settings provide protection from every possible position of the sun. The slats are also rainproof and waterproof. This is ensured by rubber profiles between the slats, which guide the water in the channels of the slats onto the gutter and into the ground via the downpipes.

slatted pergola ventilation air circulation fresh air cooling skymatics
bioclimatic roof pergola slatted roof waterproof rainproof skymatik
Skymatik Logo
weitere Informationen:www.skymatik.com

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