Boomerang: Sustainable reusable packaging solutions for online retail

Boomerang offers reusable shipping packaging that can be used in online retail. The packaging is made from recycled plastic and can be reused up to 50 times, helping to reduce packaging waste and CO₂ emissions. Customers can return the packaging free of charge after use and the deposit will be refunded. Boomerang supports sustainable shipping solutions and already complies with the future EU requirements for reusable packaging in online retail.

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Sustainable reusable packaging: Reducing packaging waste in online retail

The constant growth in online trade is generating an immense amount of packaging waste. The flooding of our garbage cans with cardboard packaging is a thorn in the side of many people. The company, which has developed an environmentally friendly alternative, offers an innovative solution to this problem: Reusable packaging that keeps coming back like a boomerang.

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How the Boomerang principle works: reusable instead of disposable

The principle is simple: when shopping online, customers can voluntarily choose reusable packaging and pay a deposit of 3 euros. After receiving the goods, the packaging is folded to A4 size, provided with a return label and sent back via letterbox free of charge. The highlight: the deposit is returned to the customer and the packaging can be reused up to 50 times. In this way, a single reusable package replaces up to 50 conventional cardboard boxes, which leads to a significant reduction in waste and CO2 emissions.

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From idea to implementation: reusable packaging as a forward-looking solution

Die Idee zu dieser umweltfreundlichen Verpackungslösung entstand aus dem alltäglichen Frust über überfüllte Mülltonnen. Besonders im Onlinehandel wächst der Papiermüll exponentiell an. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, wurde eine Verpackung aus Polypropylen, einem recycelten Kunststoff, entwickelt. Dieser Werkstoff kann am Ende seines Lebenszyklus erneut sortenrein recycelt werden, wodurch ein geschlossener Recyclingkreislauf entsteht. Mit inzwischen 60 Kunden und Partnern, darunter zahlreiche große und kleine Online-Shops, etabliert sich diese Mehrwegverpackung als nachhaltige Alternative im Markt.

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Success through commitment: How reusable packaging is shaping the future of the mail order business

The company not only focuses on online retail, but also uses its reusable packaging in intralogistics, for example for store deliveries and spare parts shipments. The voluntary choice of reusable packaging by customers shows a high level of acceptance, with a return rate of up to 98%. The potential of this innovation is enormous: if 20-30% of the four and a half billion parcels sent in Germany each year were converted to reusable packaging, millions of tons of packaging waste could be saved. These impressive figures prove that sustainable packaging is not just a vision, but a tangible reality with a positive impact on our environment.

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