Altrimex: Efficient dosing and packaging systems for capsules and tablets

Altrimex is a leading provider of customized packaging solutions with over 50 years of experience. The company offers complete packaging lines for various products such as powders, liquids and tablets. From consulting and installation to training and after-sales service, Altrimex provides its customers with comprehensive support and ensures efficient, budget-friendly solutions. Their approach also includes individual financing options and close cooperation with customers to achieve optimal results.

dosing and packaging system for capsules and tablets altrimex fachpack 2024
filling capsules and tablets into cans pharma and cosmetics altrimex

Efficient packaging solutions for capsules and tablets

The automatic packaging line presented here is specially designed for the efficient filling and packaging of capsules and tablets. An automatic counting system equipped with the latest infrared technology is located at the front of the line. This system counts the capsules and tablets precisely and ensures that they fall into the cans without blockages. An important function is the ability to control the filling with a time delay to prevent possible blockages.

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counting unit count infrared sensor during filling with metal part control altrimex fachpack 2024

Highest quality assurance through metal control

To ensure perfect product quality, the filled products are also checked for metal residues. These can get into the product during the processing of the raw materials or in the production process. As it is essential for every producer that no metal parts remain in the end product, every can is thoroughly checked before it is sealed. This strict quality control ensures that the products meet the highest standards.

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feeding capsules and tablets automatic packaging system altrimex fachpack 2024
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Customizable solutions for different industries

The packaging line is versatile and can be adapted to the specific requirements of different industries. In addition to the pharmaceutical industry, where capsules and tablets are processed, the line is also used in the production of food supplements and gum products such as chewing gum. For use in clean rooms, all parts that come into contact with the product can be easily dismantled and thoroughly cleaned. The ability to change over quickly between different product formats makes the system particularly flexible for customers looking for a comprehensive and future-oriented solution.

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references altrimex packaging specialist diverse sectors individual customer requirements fachpack 2024