Düsseldorf real estate market 2024: trends and developments at Expo Real

The Surveying and Cadastre Office of the state capital Düsseldorf is responsible for the creation and maintenance of geodata, surveys and official maps of the city. It ensures the exact recording of property boundaries and offers citizens and companies comprehensive services in the field of real estate cadastre and land readjustment. In this way, it contributes to precise urban planning and the documentation of the city's infrastructure.

duesseldorfer property market real estate fair expo real 2024
surveying and cadastral office landeshauptstadt duesseldorf management thomas weindel expo real 2024 munich trade fair

Düsseldorf real estate market: stabilization and first signs of recovery

The real estate market in Düsseldorf is showing the first signs of stabilization. After a phase of uncertainty characterized by inflation, rising construction costs and the consequences of the war in Ukraine, prices now appear to be moving sideways. The latest figures, which are available up to the end of August, indicate that prices have bottomed out. Prices are starting to rise again, particularly in the residential sector. The past two years were characterized by a highly overheated market in which investors became increasingly cautious. However, courage is gradually returning, which is also leading to increased activity on the part of buyers and sellers. The real estate market could therefore regain momentum in the coming months.

Willingness to invest and the need for new living space

The willingness to invest in the Düsseldorf market is significantly influenced by the confidence of the players. The past few years have been characterized by a significant decline in investment volume, but a trend reversal is now emerging. The decisive factor here is investor confidence in stable returns. With the prospect of long-term returns, the first players are venturing back into the market, which is an important basis for future projects. In addition, the demand for residential space in Düsseldorf continues to grow, primarily due to the influx of new residents and the growing need for affordable housing. While new construction activity has slowed in recent years, publicly subsidized housing construction is now increasingly being promoted in order to meet existing demand.

exhibition booth capital of duesseldorf expo real 2024
expert committee for real estate values capital of duesseldorf expo real munich

Public housing construction and digitalization as topics for the future

The public sector plays a central role in the development of the real estate market. In Düsseldorf, the local government is increasingly focusing on expanding subsidized housing construction in order to meet rising demand. It is important to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and speed up processes so that new projects can be realized more quickly. This applies in particular to the digitalization of approval processes, which has not yet been fully implemented in many municipalities. While digital transformation is already more advanced in other countries, Germany still has some catching up to do. Digitalization could play a decisive role in accelerating the construction of new apartments and thus relieving the tight housing market.

Outlook for the real estate market: hope for positive development

The coming months will remain exciting for the real estate market. Hopes of a sustainable recovery are growing, particularly in view of the positive signals from current market data. While precise predictions are difficult, initial indications suggest that 2024 could bring an improvement. The market seems to be stabilizing and both buyers and sellers are finding each other again. For investors and project developers, this means that new opportunities could arise, both in the area of privately financed residential construction and in subsidized projects. The coming developments will show whether the trend towards more activity on the Düsseldorf real estate market will actually continue and whether the optimism of the players is justified.