Livie Fine Art: Contemporary Art at the Forefront of Creativity

LIVIE - Contemporary Art Gallery is presenting itself as a newcomer at ART COLOGNE 2023. The gallery for contemporary art from Zurich is exhibiting works by Argentinian artist Sofía Durrieu and Berlin-based artist Michael Sailstorfer.

Marie Christine Livie LivieGallery
Infinitears Sofia Durrieu performative bronze sculpture
Sofia Durrieu tear art fair Cologne 2023

Performative sculptures by Sofía Durrieu

Gallery owner Marie Christin Livie leads us to the performative sculptures by Sofía Durrieu. Performative sculptures are those that can also be used. Sofía Durrieu has her roots in dance. Her sculpture "Infinite tears" can be removed from the wall frame and placed on the root of the nose, where it becomes a sculpture of tears. The theme of tears continues in the sculpture of a lasso floating in space: one end begins with the tears, the end with the loop catches another person with this lasso of tears. Poetic works that express emotions and are intended to show what tears do to us.

Lasso Sofia Durrieu sculpture made of bronze
Sofia Durrieu emotional art Livie Gallery
Sofia Durrieu tears Livie Gallery

"Tear dryer" by artist Michael Salstorfer

The theme of tears is also the subject of the second exhibited artist, Michael Salstorfer. From his series of works, Galerie LIVIE is presenting the sculpture "Tränentrockner", a reference to Duchamp and his bottle dryer. The artist has shaped beer bottles into the form of tears and placed them upside down on the lattice framework to create a sculpture.

tear dryer Michael Sailstorfer sculpture
Michael Sailstorfer Duchamp bottle dryer Art Cologne 2023

All contributions about ➤Art Cologne 2023

Trade fairs at the exhibition Center ➤Cologne Trade Fair