ADKV: Supporting Art Associations and Cultural Institutions

At ART COLOGNE 2023, we speak to Nadja Klier, Managing Director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine, an umbrella and professional organization for German-speaking art associations.

ADKV Art Cologne 2023
MesseTV report with Nadja Klier

Umbrella and professional association for German-speaking art associations

At ART COLOGNE 2023, Ms. Nadja Klier, Managing Director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine, an umbrella and professional association for German-speaking art associations, explains the tasks of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft in an interview with Messe.TV. Ms. Klier presents the ADKV in detail. It currently represents 306 art associations and their members. The idea of the Kunstverein has a very long tradition. The aim is to continue to make art associations visible and to stay in the conversation. The AKDV writes statements on current political and cultural policy issues, provides advice and support as an association and advises on the subject of associations.

Nadja Klier Managing Director Art Association Art Cologne 2023

The club landscape is characterized by great diversity

The club landscape is characterized by great diversity, from the size of a club to its structure. Many clubs are still run purely on a voluntary basis. As there is usually an incredible amount of work behind voluntary work, there are always considerations regarding the remuneration of voluntary work. The ADKV also discusses whether cities and municipalities should support volunteer-run associations and how they are perceived. The ADKV is not only concerned with the presentation of art, but also with the all-important mediation work.

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