WOLF: Advanced Heating Technology for Modern Homes

WOLF, a manufacturer of heating and air conditioning ventilation technology since 1963, is based in Mainburg, Bavaria, and is a leading provider of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. The company offers sustainable and energy-efficient solutions, including heat pumps, gas heating systems and domestic ventilation systems. With a strong focus on a healthy indoor climate and user comfort, WOLF develops innovative products for new buildings and renovations. In the area of domestic ventilation, Wolf offers appliances ranging from small PushPull units to large custom solutions.

cha 16 20 air to water heat pump ifh intherm 2024
heating technology ventilation technology wolf ifh intherm 2024

WOLF GmbH: Innovation and tradition in heating and air conditioning technology

Seit 1963 ist die WOLF GmbH in Mainburg ansässig und hat sich als führender Hersteller von Heizungs- und Klimatechnik etabliert. Das Unternehmen bietet Lösungen von kleinen Geräten bis hin zu großen Sonderlösungen und ist besonders im Wohnungsbau aktiv. Mit einem starken Bekenntnis zum Standort Deutschland wird der Firmensitz in Mainburg kontinuierlich ausgebaut, inklusive eines neuen Besucherzentrums, das im ersten Quartal des nächsten Jahres eröffnet wird.

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Marco Weil Wolf
reheater heat pump residential station wolf

CAT-2 home station: Compact solution for modern residential buildings

The new CAT-2 home station from WOLF is characterized by its compact design and advanced technology. With a depth of just 11 centimetres, it is ideal for dry walls. The electronic control enables precise control of the hot water temperature, which increases comfort for residents. In combination with the CHA-16/20 heat pump, the CAT-2 offers an efficient solution for multi-storey residential buildings, which can also be used in cascade.

cat 2 residential unit heat supply wolf
wolf heat pump ifh intherm 2024

Commitment at the Mainburg site: future-proof and rooted

WOLF remains loyal to its location in Mainburg and continues to invest in development and expansion. The new visitor center, which will open next year, is a sign of the company's commitment to the region and underlines the importance of Mainburg as a center for innovative heating technology and air conditioning solutions. WOLF invites interested parties to visit the center upon completion and learn about the latest developments in the industry.

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Trade fairs at the exhibition Center ➤Nuremberg Trade Fair