DSI Micromatic: High-Quality Beverage Fittings for Efficient Dispensing

The companies VINSERVICE from Italy and TAPRITE from the USA have merged to form DSI MICROMATIC - Beverage Fittings. A merger with the company MICRO MATIC is currently underway. The DSI site in Hamm/Germany specializes in fittings and tap heads and also produces dispensing taps. VINSERVICE is responsible for dispensing columns, TAPRITE for pressure reducers and the like.

DSI Micro Matic GmbH BrauBeviale 2023
Rafael Kurzawa Sales Field Service DACH DSI Micro Matic

Tapping head with three integrated sensors

A Diadraft installation will be on display at the BrauBeviale 2023 stand. It consists of a dispensing head with three integrated sensors. They check the flow rate of the beer, read the gas pressure at the dispensing head and can record the stored information using an antenna from the fitting equipped with NFC Tec. All information is connected by cable to a gateway with up to 6 lines.

digital dispensing brewery restaurant bar
connected dispensing head fitting technology DSI Micro Matic

Bartender can analyze data at the dashboard

The battery-operated taps are used to measure or determine whether the flow is off or on and to measure the temperature; they are connected to the gateway via Bluetooth. From there, the data can be sent to a cloud, which the bartender can use to analyze the data on a dashboard, for example, to calibrate the flow rate and receive a practical warning when the beer is running low. Breweries have another, more detailed insight and KPI tracking at their disposal.

beer flow gas pressure fittings BrauBeviale 2023
gateway digital dispensing system beverage industry
Micro Wolter Head of Engineering RandD DSI Micro Matic

Digital dispensing: Fitting with NFC technology

This digital dispensing system consists of the fitting with NFC technology, a tap connected via Bluetooth for the temperature and a dispensing head on which the pressure and flow can be read. In principle, this is a dispensing system installation that is of interest to all bars and the hospitality industry in general. The main target group is breweries, which have the most added value from a digital dispensing system due to the bundling of information and its evaluation, including seeing which brands are doing well or which volumes are reached at certain times.

dispensing Solution Brewing Industry DSI Micro Matic
cloud dispensing system Barkeeper Brewery

All contributions about ➤BrauBeviale 2023

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