Naviwatt: Eco-Friendly Electric Boats for the Future

For NAVIWATT, one thing is certain: the future of motorboats is electric. They already offer top boats with electric motors. In Messe.TV we show you what the boats with electric drive have to offer!

e boat power environmentally friendly Naviwatt
MesseTV interview Valentin Blanchard Naviwatt boat 2020 Dusseldorf
Torqeedo Cockpit Naviwatt boat exhibition Dusseldorf
Torqeedo electric boat propulsion Naviwatt
electric sustainable boating naviwatt
electric boat Zenpro Naviwatt
Torqeedo propeller Naviwatt

Alle Beiträge zur Messe ➤boot 2020

Trade fairs at the exhibition Center ➤Düsseldorf Trade Fair